Month: August 2014

  • What to Wear Wednesday :: Back to School!

    Well, it’s that time of year!  BACK TO SCHOOL!!  I don’t know about any other Moms, but THIS Mom is super duper excited! 🙂  I enjoyed school, my kids enjoy school, we both enjoy the break from each other! Haha 🙂  For this week’s What to Wear Wednesday, I’ve put together a few cute pieces […]

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  • Pasco, WA Children’s Photographer :: Siblings!

    sibling : a brother or a sister I’ve seen this family quite a few times and it’s interesting to see shifts in the kids’ ideas about photos.  Well, one of the kids 🙂  Big Brother has always been pretty easy going, laughs BIG, genuine laughs, and generally is a good sport about photos. Little Sister, […]

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  • Richland, WA Children’s Photographer :: 2nd Birthday Celebration

    I love getting emails from past clients!  Usually it shocks me how fast time has flown and we need another BIRTHDAY session!!  I’ve photographed this adorable blondie a couple of times, although then she didn’t have nearly as much hair 🙂  We met up for some photos with the blooming trees and finished our session […]

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