Meet Meghan
Clients hire me to tell their stories.
I am Meghan Rickard; I would love to be your photographer.
Mother. Friend. Photographer.
My true love of photography began after the birth of my first child, my son, and my passion for the gift of photography grew after the birth of my daughter.
I l.o.v.e. coffee!!
Shopping, for anything, makes me happy 🙂
I love to sing, even if you don’t agree ;o)
I throw dance parties in the living room with my kids
I am a top bun & jeans kinda gal
Hate the cold, but love the snow!
I have had the chicken pox twice, or three times
I am constantly rearranging areas in my house
Earlier in life I wanted to be a chef, or an architect
I really enjoyed school, college is definitely the best!
I enjoy being crafty, even if things don’t work out as planned
I have split my chin open twice as a child, and so has my sister once
I think clouds are the most beautiful thing created in nature