Crunchy Explorations :: Cloth Diapers

Tri-Cities WA Baby Photographer Adored by MeghanThis is my baby boy at two months old, rocking the cloth diaper!

So to explain the title, “Crunchy Explorations” 🙂   According to Urban Dictionary, crunchy is used to describe persons who have adjusted or altered their lifestyle for environmental reasons.  Who knows, you might be considered a ‘Crunchy Mom’ 🙂

Back to our diaper talk.  I would consider cloth diapering nowadays ‘crunchy’, seeing as the mainstream way of diapering your baby is to use disposables.  In fact, I don’t think I knew anything about CDing (cloth diaper) when my first was born, nearly 8 years ago!  I started CDing my Daughter when she was about two months old.

Reason number 1:
I no longer wanted to spend money on disposable diapers and I no longer wanted to be making early morning or late night runs to the store to grab a package of diapers.

Reason number 2:
they were so.freaking.cute!!

With my newest baby boy, I felt disgusted with the amount of dirty disposable diapers we were throwing away for those first few weeks.  Grandpa offered to cover diapers and wipes for us to help us out (because disposables are expensive, especially for how many diapers my little poop machine runs through in a 24 hour period!).

So a strong Reason number 3: I didn’t want OUR diapers filling up a landfill somewhere (yuck….)

More awesome things: 1.Your initial upfront investment in your cloth diaper stash will pay off in 7-8 months on average.  2. You can reuse your cloth diapers for future babies!  Hello no more diapers to buy (that are necessary anyways…. 🙂 )!!  3.  You can RESELL your diapers to recoup some of the cost!  Now tell me that’s not awesome, I dare ya!  I don’t see people trying to resell some of their used disposable diapers…. (um, eww).

To show off most of our stash (yes, we did have some diapers in the diaper laundry when these photos were taken)

I usually have a bit of help ‘folding’ our clean diaps! 🙂Tri-Cities WA Baby Photographer Adored by Meghan cloth diapers

These are currently my favorite ‘easy’ diapers. Alva baby diapers are super affordable, tons of classic and cute patterns, and pretty much as easy to use as disposables.

Tri-Cities WA Baby Photographer Adored by Meghan cloth diapers

Here is most of our stash (like I said, some was in the laundry).  I had to get a photo of my little man (born 6/4/14) who currently rocks ALL of these awesomely stylish diapers!

Tri-Cities WA Baby Photographer Adored by Meghan cloth diapers

A closer look at our stash!

Tri-Cities WA Baby Photographer Adored by Meghan cloth diapers

Some of our instagram adventures in cloth 🙂

Tri-Cities WA Baby Photographer Adored by Meghan cloth diapers

Tri-Cities WA Baby Photographer Adored by Meghan cloth diapers

Overall, we love cloth diapering.  Here in a month or two I plan on taking a few loved diapers in to Buckwheat Bottoms to simplify our stash, and I plan on grabbing a new, smaller wet bag for our on-the-go changes.  If you’re a local Momma interested in CDing, stop on in Buckwheat Bottoms, they are full of knowledge and help there, as well as TONS of adorable cloth!

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